Sunday, May 30, 2010

before i forget

Just a close up of the face blotting process. (oh so complicated duuurrrr)

an update from way back

I managed to snag the 'work-in-progress' photos of my wall/painty collage work, I've basically collected some old newspapers (I also snagged some from a fellow student, thanks Zara), smeared some white paint on keywords and the faces of people (kinda' a nod towards the whole name/scribbling work and face/censor videos I've worked on).

Saturday, May 29, 2010


Holy crap, I couldn't update shit for the past few days because for some retarded reason I've forgotten my password to this place; then I freaked out a bit.

Anyway, I managed to score all the necessary AV equipment for my final crit (before the final exam), which didn't turn out too bad.

Gotta' play around some more, especially with the newspaper wall collage work and deciding on which video will I be using exactly for the final examination.

Blergh. So much work.

Monday, May 24, 2010

the hands resist him:update

Remember those paintings that were broken down to simple palettes?

Welp, I'm doing that with the haunted painting.

And turning it into a video. I'll most probably display this right next to the digital copy of The Hands Resist Him.

the hands resist him:ref 07

The infamous 'haunted' painting that was sold on eBay for $1025.

If I display this painting through a CRT monitor, will its 'affect' my studio space? Will changing its format change the feel and meaning of the painting?

malcolm x/martin luther king:ref 06

After playing around with that burning monk video, I've been looking for more important historical videos (particularly those in b&w simply for aesthetic value). I came across two speeches, one by Malcolm X and the other by Martin Luther King (got screenshots of the latter).

Both racially charged speeches, so that's a connection there.

I'll play around and see what I come up with.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

steamboat willie:ref 05

After watching Suicide Mouse, I've been inspired to work on a parody of some sort. By taking a copy of Steamboat Willie,

I'll distort and destroy it so that it's almost an echo of the infamous Suicide Mouse video. Breaking it down and apart and changing the original Steamboat Willie's context and meaning.

Or something like that.

Thích Quảng Đức/roger hilsman speech:ref 04

Video mentioned in this entry is something that I sampled for one of my video experiments, which features the famous self-immolation of Buddhist monk protestant Thích Quảng Đức, and with Roger Hilsman's speech in conjunction with clips of the burning monk.

been a while:update + artist ref:john stezaker

Whoa, another full week+ since I updated this space. I've been incredibly busy trying to produce new experiments and coming up with new ideas, but I kept running into dead ends and artist blocks.

Well, for one, I've been 'building' a wall of collages that are made up of newspaper clippings with faces and keywords blotched out (this is connected to that paperback name-crossing-out-whatever work that's located right next to it in my studio corner space).

And another thing; my tutor had provided me with some info on an interesting artist by the name of John Stezaker. Google images had a ton of his artworks, and one of the only good articles I've found of him is this Saatchi Gallery article.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

digital paint experiment

Finally found a way to find the colour code that makes up a pixel.


suicide mouse:ref 02

Another popular viral video that's been floating around and being generally big in the creepypasta-esque crowd on the internet. Suicide Mouse is a supposed 'secret' video that Walt Disney stored away because of its 'disturbing' nature.

Everything about it screams fake, of course. But the audio used in the video could very well be something I'll be using in one of my video experiments...

You can catch the video right here.

Have fun.

candle cove:ref 01

As a reference and source for my video experiment, here's an /x/ wiki of Candle Cove. What is it? Long story made short, it's a popular creepypasta, but just click on the link and find out.

Somebody from SomethingAwful (?) even created the infamous s01ep12 of Candle Cove (which is viewable in the aforementioned wiki link).

Monday, May 10, 2010


The longer I work on this 'mosaic censor' Big Bang Theory video, the more I realized how cluttered and clunky the video is becoming because of the amount of titles I've created for every time the characters' faces move. Almost like a 'censor their faces frame-by-frame' approach.

I MEAN LOOK AT THAT. And that's barely a minute into the episode.

There must be a way to create censors for moving objects that doesn't require this much work...

Sunday, May 9, 2010

along the way...

Whoa, it's been almost a week since my last entry to this little blog of... documentation and research and whathaveyou for 201. Yikes (this won't look pretty for the 'Research' and documentation criteria of my final marks).

But I've just popped in here to notify those who it may concern (lol) that I'm still playing around with more videos and experimenting with ways to distort videos visually and its audio.

Recently I've censored the faces of characters from 'The Luminous Fish Effect' episode of Big Bang Theory, as well as distorting the voices of the characters. Next I'll see if I can 'censor' the background (or basically everything else other than the characters). Change the pitch of the audio, w/e.

Just basically play around more. Make more work.

Here's a screenshot of that Big Bang Theory episode I've mucked around with.

And regarding the Renaissance painting experiment, here's a sneak peek.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Before I forget: add canned laughter (exaggerated?) to shows/films that are serious (or something along those lines) in nature, Microsoft Sam/Sally-fy the dialogue of an episode of a show, attempt to remove voices of the characters of sitcoms (end up with only the background noise and canned laughter).

mini crit

Had a mini 1-on-1 with my tutor yesterday. Turns out that I should really up my game here and, word-for-word "exaggerate things a bit".

Hmmm. Not sure how I can do that, I'm currently drawing a real blank here.

Ah well. I'll just make more video snippets, play around a bit more and maybe find myself a 'Eureka!' moment or two.

Monday, May 3, 2010

wtf laughtrack

Good lord, why hasn't anyone told me how bloody hard it is to rip laughtracks/canned laughter from sitcoms?!

Holy crap, this is gonna' take a while. Ripping bits of giggles and chortles isn't exactly all fun and games, jeebus.

Oh well, this counts as a process, mmm'yes?

Saturday, May 1, 2010


While I'm waiting for "The Gang Gets Invincible" (from It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia) and "The Luminous Fish Effect" (from Big Bang Theory) to finish popping itself into my hard-drive, I'll just note some ideas before I forget about them.

A'ight, for "The Gang Gets Invincible", I'll just insert some canned laughter into parts that are, well, funny. imo anyway. And as for "The Luminous Fish Effect", it's something much more complex, I'll censor the characters' faces (mosaic?) and distort all of their speech.

That way it completely changes the way the audience interprets the show. Changing the media and its context, perhaps?

red dwarf: backwards

Along with that Seinfeld episode, I'm done with making Red Dwarf's episode play backwards in its entirety.

I originally intended to only extract the backwards snippets and reverse them, but I dunno', I thought it'll be more interesting for the audience to watch the entire episode and try and catch parts that were reversed and thus ended up playing normally.

seinfeld: the betrayal

I'm officially done with putting Seinfeld's episode "The Betrayal" in its 'correct' order. It was my first time playing with Adobe Premiere. I had some trouble getting used to some of the tools and all, but hey, I finally got it done.

I'll definitely play around with more effects from the software and see what I can get. (I'm currently trying to get my hands on episodes of How I Met Your Mother and Big Bang Theory, maybe It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia)


Whoa, haven't updated this spot for a couple of days, but no worries. It's because I've been running around trying to find a way to get into my phone and upload some photos (without needing to spend any money on a new card reader or something stupid like that).

Anyway, I've just updated the entire blog with photos everywhere.

Oh yeah, and I decided to hunt down some pictures of Renaissance paintings and I'm thinkin' of finding a way of 'breaking them down'. I'll be updating this blog with more details about that soon.